Friday, April 11, 2008

Photo Show

I'm thinking we need to do more with pics after we're done with podcasting the audiofiles.

We'll want to go get some more photos, but then let's use such sites as these (school proxies permitting, of course):

Back to GarageBand

Once you have recorded THREE jokes as different GarageBand files, then you may return to ToonDoo to make the comic strips. Please help your neighbors, but you don't have to wait for the whole class to finish if you are finished.

We will use the GarageBand files on Monday, so don't neglect that part of the assignment!

~T. Chase

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making a Mind Map

Hey guys,
This activity is a little tricky but I have every confidence in you. Please work together so that your abilities are shared with everyone near you--don't fly solo.

The Assignment:
Using a novel or short story that you have read recently, create a mind map with the TITLE in the center bubble. Out to the side, create new bubbles for SETTING, CHARACTERS, PLOT, and MOOD/ THEME. Beyond those category bubbles, please add bubbles to complete the mind map.
Go to the two sites below and try them out. I want you to create the mind-map and take a picture of it and upload that to your blog. I'm not giving you specific instructions because I know that if you read and work together you can figure it out. I have a reward in mind for the class that is 100% successful at this project!