Thursday, September 4, 2008


bubblr= photo comic flow chart
thinkature=flow chart
poll daddy= online polls
scrapblog= scapbook, share by url
Scribd= iupload files, any file
thumbstacks= powerpoint online... like spresent
voicethreads= collab. voice, picture slideshow
triporama= trip planner, advanced (stretch)
ksolo= online karaoke, (PC only)
tumblr= similar to a blog
vyew= web collaboration
yugma= web conferencing
Phixr= photo editing
toondoo= comic strip
slide= photos medium
ourstory= collaborative time line
spresent= collaborative powerpoint
photoshow= share photos, music
squarespace= web, blog cost
voki= talking avatar (backgrounds ??)
sitekreator= web site creator , cost

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Don't forget




Thursday, July 10, 2008


If you had to spend the next 15 minutes on MyGLife (and you do!) what would you find that is useful? Fun?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

To try from NECC2008

I am enthusiastic about Diigo as an alternative to Trailfire (which is now blocked by the district filter)

For video chatting we should take a look at CamTwist --it allows for streaming a desktop in a video chat.

Let's play a guessing game with another class in another state.

MeBeam allows for quick setup of multi-user video chat.

Let's also do some work with wetpaint wikis . . . instead of blogs? What if we set up a group wiki where we set up rooms for students but also rooms where kids could collaborate on a project?

How do we address all 6 NETS?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Learning Points iMovie

What Did We Do?
It might feel like you haven't been busily learning computer stuff this trimester, but I'm ready to bet good money that you've been learning all along. Do you remember when you got your email address and had to use it to get your Google account set up? Then you created a mind-map, you went shopping with Uncle Albert, and . . . well, I bet you can come up with some other things you did. Maybe you'll look back at your blog posts, or maybe you'll ask around.

The Task
Here's the assignment: Make an iMovie that tells the story of what you learned in computer skills class so far. It must have music (preferably without vocals--try freeplaymusic), and it must be between 60 and 180 seconds in length. Make it creative! Include at least 10 of the things we did, but it will be a better show if you include them all (even email).

The Tools
Use CaptureMe to take still shots that illustrate your learning this trimester. CaptureMe also can capture video, but you'll have to figure that out on your own if you want to capture and use video in your video. Use iMovie to put it all together and make something worth showing to upcoming 6th graders about what computers class is all about.

An Example
I was part of an Educational Technology group this year that went through the 6 technology standards for students. The NETS were the theme for the year, and we had to put together something that showed what we had learned. So I made this video: NETS. I don't expect you to make a pro-quality video (and mine is hardly pro-quality), but I do want something that looks and sounds like something you can be proud of. Take a couple of days to do it right.

(and no more MyYearbook--school rule)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


For these two days (Wednesday and Thursday), you have two options.

You may practice typing in one of the four sites I gave you or go and find me an even better one,


you could design your own game by downloading SCRATCH.

Have fun. See you Friday.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Typing Online

Please visit these links, try all the games, then vote on
1) which typing games are the best for beginners and
2) which are best for advanced typists.

HERE is the POLL to go VOTE

One that is not in the poll but is pretty fun is:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Photo Show

I'm thinking we need to do more with pics after we're done with podcasting the audiofiles.

We'll want to go get some more photos, but then let's use such sites as these (school proxies permitting, of course):

Back to GarageBand

Once you have recorded THREE jokes as different GarageBand files, then you may return to ToonDoo to make the comic strips. Please help your neighbors, but you don't have to wait for the whole class to finish if you are finished.

We will use the GarageBand files on Monday, so don't neglect that part of the assignment!

~T. Chase

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making a Mind Map

Hey guys,
This activity is a little tricky but I have every confidence in you. Please work together so that your abilities are shared with everyone near you--don't fly solo.

The Assignment:
Using a novel or short story that you have read recently, create a mind map with the TITLE in the center bubble. Out to the side, create new bubbles for SETTING, CHARACTERS, PLOT, and MOOD/ THEME. Beyond those category bubbles, please add bubbles to complete the mind map.
Go to the two sites below and try them out. I want you to create the mind-map and take a picture of it and upload that to your blog. I'm not giving you specific instructions because I know that if you read and work together you can figure it out. I have a reward in mind for the class that is 100% successful at this project!